Tuesday, March 9, 2010







Sunday, December 13, 2009


1。 老有所养
2。 病有所医
3。 爱有所续
4。 幼有所护
5。 壮有所倚
6。 亲有所奉
7。 残有所仗
8。 钱有所积
9。 产有所保
10。 才有所承



Sunday, November 29, 2009


算一算,懒惰的我大概也有一个月没有写我的部落格了。在这一个月里,我大概每天都是做跟以往同样的事。上课,吃饭,睡觉。。。唯一不同的就是,电脑开少了,吉他弹少了,上网上少了,睡觉睡少了,书读多了。最近我加入了大东方人寿保险公司,同时也决定去考寿险代理员,就应为这个理由,所以才把自己忙得透不过气来。笨蛋的我,竟然把同样的考试考了两次,最后还是托上天的鸿福和妈妈的保佑才把这个试考及格。其实对我来讲难度是蛮高的,一边要顾着自己的功课,test , assignment , 而另一边却要读一本自己一点基本知识都没有的书,里面没有图画,整本书满满都是字。最终,我永不放弃的精神,让我把书读完。现在我却读者另一本有关投资的书,将会在后个星期四考试,希望我也能考及格。。。加油加油。


我的电脑中了病毒,msn 上不到和所有 programming 的 software都开不到,包括multisim ,想要 format 电脑,CD-rom 却坏了。烦啊!!!不但如此,我的鞋子也坏了。烦啊!!!再加上最近的睡眠也不太好,总是喜欢在夜深人静的时候胡思乱想,更烦啊!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I just went back from a gathering with my old friends which are Gibson and Desmond. I am very glad to see you guys happy and healthy, but at the same time I receive a bad news from my father, he told me my grandmother was sent to hospital cause by low blood sugar.
Thanks for god blessing, that is not too serious. At the moment, I call my aunty immediately, she told me my grandmother can discharge from hospital tomorrow and not so serious then I only feel better. When just now the gathering I didn't tell them this news, because i don't want to spoil the mood and make them unhappy, I don't want because of me then spoil the gathering. Furthermore, today is Ying Wah's birthday, I shouldn't spoil her mood. So that, when the clock reach 12.00, Imake a call to her and sing a birthday song to her. I think when i sing there has some run out of pitch, because of my throat is getting dry and today just kill 2 panadols in college. Anywhere, I would like to say happy birthday to ying wah again and hope all your wish come true.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Body Painful...

Last friday, i played badminton with my classmate, because of that my body pain start from yesterday. I think i have too long not exercising, or may be getting old already. Haha... But don't know why today my body was getting more painful than yesterday, besides that i get headache also. I think i will get sick soon...:(

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Result Release...

Today is the last semester result release. First of all,I would like to say congratulation to my friends because most of them are getting their result with flying color. Normally my result is considered ok, besides the english subject I absent, the rest are pass, I suppose to be happy, but I am not. After I checked my result, I took out my handphone and check my contact list, there are no one I can tell. Every years when the result release, the 1st person I like to tell is my mummy, I like to share whatever I get with her, share my happy, share my sad and ... ... ... Start from this year, nobody will share with me, all the trouble I need to face by myself, all the secret I need to keep by myself. In this world, my mummy is the person who understand me most and no matter what happen, she is the one never never say leave me, she is always love me and support me. Although she is not around here, but I know that she will keep blessing me. Actually, before the exam comes I have set my target, I set my target to score more than 5A and if I achieve my objective I decide to buy a new guitar, besides that, I also practice a song to my mummy. Unfortunately, a misfortune happen to me. During that 2 exam weeks, I really no mood to study, even close myself in my room keep crying, so that, I very sure I will fail to accomplish my goal. Perhaps, I have a blessedness from my mummy, so i can pass my paper. Thanks mummy.
Mummy, I Love You Forever

my result

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Boring Day

First week of this semester almost finish, today is a very boring Saturday. In the early morning i sat in front of my computer watched a whole day youtube. Although 2nd semester already start but i still don't have my mood to study. Today i visited the youtube website, i found a child's song i heard very long time ago, i though is around 17 years ago, the song i heard before is chinese version, but today have person translate it to english version, that is great. Last time, I am not really understand this song's meaning, but today i listened again and looked at the lyrics i fully understand this song sing about and what is the message of this song want to tell us, may be is my experience to let me know these. The song title is " In The World Only Mama's Dear" chinese title is "世上只有妈妈好". This is a very great song and it describe the greatness of a mother.

世上只有妈妈好 有妈的孩子像块宝
In The World Only Mama's Dear Child having Mama's Like a Treasure
投进妈妈的怀抱 幸福享不了
Close To Mama's Bosom How Happy You Can't Tell

世上只有妈妈好 没妈的孩子像根草
In The World Only Mama's Dear Mother Less Child is like a straw
离开妈妈的怀抱 幸福哪里找
Away From Mama's Bosom Happiness No Where To Find